Wednesday, August 20, 2008

1st post

Well, I'm jumpin on the Blogger train! Everybodys doin it so we will too!! We have had a busy but fun summer! We finished soccer had a fun visit with family and jumped in to summer heat! WE have spent the summer swimming and playing. Kyle learned to ride his 2 wheeler!!!! He was so proud and so are Mom and Dad! Tyler has decided that kyle is the one to follow anything he does Tyler does and kyle is a very Patient! loving big brother! Matt has been working ,working, working!! He had a couple of weeks off and has been serving in the ward! I have been doing a local farmers market with a good friend and we have had so much fun! Its fun to see people enjoy your creations! That is it for us so far! Kyle starts school soon so we will let you know how that goes! our love to you all and we hope you are enjoying a fun safe summer!!! Blog soon ~Cindy


Barbara Grover said...

Your life of fun and horror has just begun...the things these boys will think of to try is unheard of..I get cold chills when I remember back when my boys were small and investigating their new realms...have fun and keep us informed..